Friends of Northaven Trail

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Community Meeting Update

On Tuesday, August 31, the city held a public meeting at the Jewish Community Center on Northaven Road to provide information on the design and construction timeline of the Northaven Trail.  Approximately 50 citizens attended and heard from District 11 City Council Member Linda Koop, Parks and Recreation Board Member Lee Kleinman, and Kris Brown from la terra studio, the designers of the trail.

Kris Brown presented a design schematic of the trail and fielded questions related to all aspects of the trail's design and construction.  Specific topics included; how the city might handle major street crossings at Hillcrest and Preston (still in discussion), suggestions for amenities including emergency way finding markers like those found on Katy Trail, access points and parking.  Citizens asked several questions about the location of the trail within specific sections of the Oncor utility easement, access points to the trail, the design of major intersection crossings and the connections to the White Rock Creek Trail and Cottonwood Trail.

Representatives from Terra Design also passed out note cards with a link to a public online survey about the trail.  The survey can be accessed here.