Summary of "Low 5" Trail Connection Meeting

FoNHT board member Lee Kleinman recently attending a meeting including representatives from Dallas County, Dallas Parks and Recreation, Dallas Office of Sustainable Development and members of the consultant team. Lee provided the following summary of the meeting.

The meeting was called by Dallas County to coordinate efforts through the various agencies involved and to discuss the connection of the Northaven Trail to the White Rock Creek Trail, which is being referred to as the "Low 5". This name comes from the close proximity to the "High 5" and the fact that within a one mile stretch of WRCT riders will be able to go 5 directions (North on WRCT, South on WRCT, North on Cottonwood Trail, South on the Veloway or West on NHT).

Dallas County has committed $2.5 million in matching funds to make this connection.  They are matching the $2.6 million that the City of Dallas has committed to the Northaven Trail from the Jewish Community Center to Preston Road.  Several milestones were discussed, and the construction for this connection is slated for 2013.

The meeting attendees are committed to a successful partnership based on Trust, Commitment and Shared Vision that goes beyond the contractual relationship that will be established.  Dallas County will act as the conduit for the interagency coordination that may extend to other agencies including DART, Oncor, TxDOT, Trinity Watershed and others.

The project will have 5 major phases - Planning and Conceptual Design, Primary Design, Design Completion and Right of Way Initiation,  Right of Way Completion and Utility Adjustment, and Construction. We are just staring phase 1 with a preliminary study of four potential routes to make this connection.  The study will include alignments, property considerations and cost estimates.

While it is up to the consultant to identify and define the options, the general routing identified four potential routes that the consultant will study.  The consultant may also identify other alignments or combinations.